The Future we want is Organic


Photo:Greenpeace Australia Pacific@flickr

Rio+20 is already providing a platform for civil society organisations to form new alliances. Governments, development agencies and businesses are also here. Rio has the potential to be a catalyst for sustainable development, just as Copenhagen was for climate change.

Of course, like in Copenhagen, politicians fail to see beyond strict GDP figures and the undue influence of powerful lobbies. However, this conference is an one-in-a-generation opportunity for organisations from all over sectors and from every corner of the world to come together and plant the seeds that will mainstream sustainability at all levels: from our every day lives to policy making. Now is the time for the environmental movement and the youth, to catch this new wave and position sustainable agriculture at the centre of the agenda.

I am in Rio+20 as a youth reporter for Young Organics and I will be mainstreaming sustainability to youth networks around the world. Follow me on twitter @geopavlos under the hashtags #YORio & #IFOAMrio